Rambles Around Knitting Today and Yesterday

Rambles Around Knitting Today and Yesterday

Free knitting stitch patterns

Brick knitting stitch in two colours

Brick knitting stitch pattern in two colours
This simple slip stitch pattern is really easy
as you only have to carry one colour across 
at any time and the alternate colour comes up the edge. 
There are loads of possible variations. 

Stitch pattern over multiple of 7 stitches
1st row             Colour 1         Knit
2nd row            Colour 1         Purl
3rd row            Colour 2         Knit 3, (slip 1, knit 3,) continue along row
4th row            Colour 2         Purl 3, (slip 1, purl 3) continue along row
5th row            Colour 1         Knit
6th row            Colour 1         Purl
7th row            Colour 2         Knit 1 (slip 1 knit 3) - continue along row thus
off setting the second row of “bricks” 
8th row            Colour 2         Purl 1, (slip 1, purl 3)

Slip stitch knitted pleat effect 
This impressive pleat effect is really easy to do. The slip stitches are the key,
Slip stitch knitted pleat effect pattern
remember to slip the stitches purl-wise (from the front of the needle) to stop them
twisting. As long as the slip stitches line up other variations are also possible.

Knitted pleat effect with knit and purl chevrons pattern over 14stitches
row 1               purl 1, knit 5, slip 1, purl 1, knit 5, slip 1
row 2              and every alternate row  - purl all stitches
row 3               purl 2, knit 4, slip 1, purl 2, knit 4, slip 1
row 5               purl 3, knit 3. slip 1, purl 3, knit 3, slip 1
row 7               purl 4, knit 2, slip 1, purl 4, knit 2, slip 1
row 9               purl 5, knit 1. slip 1, purl 5, knit 1, slip 1
row 11            purl 6, slip 1, purl 6,slip 1
row 13            purl 5, knit 1. slip 1, purl 5, knit 1, slip 1
row 15            purl 4, knit 2, slip 1, purl 4, knit 2, slip 1
row 17            purl 3, knit 3. slip 1, purl 3, knit 3, slip 1
row 19            purl 2, knit 4, slip 1, purl 2, knit 4, slip 1

Butterfly slip stitch
butterfly slip stitch

1st row.            K.2, *wool to front of work, sl 5, wool back, k. 5, repeat from * to last 7 stitches., wool to front, sl. 5, wool back k.2.
2nd row            Purl.

Repeat these to rows 3 times more.

9th row            As 1st row.
10th row          P.4, * pick up loops in an upward direction, place on left needle, purl all the loops with next stitch, p.9. repeat from * to, ending p.4.

These 10 rows form the basic butterfly motif. To repeat the motif as in the sample (moving it along the row) by starting  the next row K 7, then *sl 5, wool back, knit 5, repeat to last 2 sts., k2.
Complete rows so that all the slip stitches are above each other.

You might like to have a crochet hook handy to pull up the slip stitches on to the needle, but it’s not essential.